Friday 29 July 2011

First post.

Ok, i've never made a blog before so this will be interesting for me. What i intend to do here is put together parts of a book i studied and re-wrote while i was in rehab for drugs and to also expand on other stuff i have read and add in my own personal experience of trying to understand my disorders and my unhealthy relationship with food, body image and all that goes along with that stuff.

I wont say that i'm an expert because i'm not, i have no formal qualifications in mental health or psychology. However, what i do have is 20 years experience of living a disordered life and through lots of soul searching, counselling, reading and making connections about my behaviour, feelings and thoughts have come to understand a little better why i do what i do.

I'll update this soon with my first essay. Thanks for reading, pete.    :)